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Red Varieties for 2023


Andrew Rahart’s Jumbo Red (80 days) This beefsteak has exceptional taste and aroma; a great slicer that is very dense and meaty. Andrew Rahart lived North of New York city and collected seeds from the local immigrants. This one is a mainstay. Indeterminate.

Baxter’s Bush Cherry (60 days) Very tasty 1″ bright red cherry. Great for snacking or salads. Vigorous and productive. Determinate growth habit which eliminates the need for staking. Works well in the topsy turvy tomato growing systems. Determinate. 

*SOLD OUT* Beaverlodge Slicer (55 days) Very early, with a wonderful sweet/tart taste. Plants are loaded with smooth blemish-free fruit. Perfect for containers or hanging baskets. Determinate.

Beefsteak (90 days) A very old standard variety. Fruits are large, meaty, ribbed and deep scarlet . Weights average 12 oz. Fairly soft skinned for easy slicing. Indeterminate. 

Believe it or Not (85 days) Huge bright red, fantastic flavoured tomato with sweet, juicy, meaty flesh. Beautifully shaped; perfect for sandwiches and making juice. Indeterminate. 

Box Car Willie (80 days) Perfect round red, medium to large tomatoes, extremely tasty and dependable. We first grew this tomato in a drought year, and it did wonderfully. A favourite of many. Indeterminate. 

Brandywine, Red (Landis valley strain) (80 days) One of the most famous heirlooms (1885, Amish), the winner of many taste tests with bright tangy flavour. Large beefsteak type, up to 1 lb., ideal for slices, salads and sandwiches. Not a heavy producer. Long vines. Indeterminate.  

Chadwick’s Cherry (72 days) An heirloom variety that has been grown for over 100 years. Plants produce high yields of small 1” red cherry tomatoes which grow in clusters. Sweet-tart flavour. Perfect for snacking or salads. Indeterminate.

Ernie’s Plump (80 days) An Italian saucer tomato that cooks down to the reddest, richest, most flavourful sauce ever! But just as delicious straight out of the garden. 8-12 oz fruits are a most unique shape: “plump” double pears with a tiny blossom scar. Extreme producer. A very popular plum type.

Gardener’s Delight (70 days) Large red cherry tomato with good yields in clusters on a large plant. Very sweet and juicy. Indeterminate. 

*SOLD OUT* Giant Red Oxheart (90 days) Kentucky heirloom. "Amazing, delicious and beautiful." HUGE, 1-2 lbs., red, oxheart tomatoes with full, flavors. Indeterminate.

Grightmire’s Pride (65 days) A large, early, meaty, low seed, low acid fruit with good taste. Indeterminate. 

Harbinger (55-60 days) Terrific flavour, reliable, lots per plant of medium-sized, thin-skinned  fruit. Introduced 1910. Does well in cool areas. Indeterminate.

Marianna’s Peace (75 days) Large pink heirloom with Czechoslovakian origin.Tomatoes are oddly shaped and incredibly tasty. Does well in drought conditions in our garden. Indeterminate. 

Moneymaker (69 days) An old English heirloom; produces 4-6 oz globes that are intensely red, smooth and of very high  quality. This variety grows well in hot humid climates and greenhouses,  sets  in most any weather. Produces up to 60 fruits per plant. Flavourful and becoming rare. Indeterminate.

Mortgage Lifter (71 days) Large (1-2 lbs), meaty and vigorous red beefsteak. Original ‘Radiator Charlie’ strain. Legendary tomato developed in the 1930s by M. C. Byles of Logan, West Virginia. It is said that he sold his remarkable plants for $1.00 each  and paid off his mortgage in six years. The fruits are very large, pink, over a pound each and one of the best beefsteak flavours available. A good slicer with few  seeds. Plants are highly productive and disease resistant. Indeterminate.


Nepal (78 days) This long-vined plant produces prolific clusters of beautiful unblemished 7–8 oz. fruit with an excellent rich flavour. A favourite of ours. From the Himalayan Mountains.

Roma (75 days) Long renowned for delicious sauces and pastes, the classic Roma tomato has a heavy yield, meaty flesh with few seeds, and excellent taste and texture. Compact vines. Determinate.

*NEW* Romeo (70 Days) A very early giant red Roma variety, great for sauces and salsas with some blight resistance. Indeterminate.

Rose (80 days) Strong leafy plants bear beautiful large meaty beefsteak tomatoes that are smooth and incredibly tasty (some say they rival Brandywine for taste). Showed strong blight resistance in our garden this last year. Long yielding this tomato is great in salads and for canning and sauces. Indeterminate.

San Marzano (78 days) This Italian heirloom traced back to the 1700s is perhaps the best known paste tomato in the Italian community. A compact and prolific producer of bright red, 3 inch fruit over a long season, this plum type tomato has heavy walls with few seed so it’s great for tomato sauce. The San Marzano tomato is reputed to be the only tomato that can be used for sauce on a true Neapolitan pizza. Indeterminate. 

Siberian (48 days) Very productive of 5 oz. bright red sweet flavourful tomatoes. Russian origin, sets fruit well in cool climates. Determinate.

*NEW* Tasmanian Chocolate (85 days) Loads of delicious beefsteak type tomatoes on sturdy compact plants. Large, dark mahogany- red fruits have satisfying, rich flavor and a perfect sweet/tart balance. Thick slices are perfect for summertime tomato sandwiches. Plants top out at 1-1.5m and are happy in a five gallon container or in a garden bed. Small cages or stakes lend a little support to these sturdy plants. Dwarf Indeterminate. 

*SOLD OUT* Teton de Venus (65 - 75 days) We have grown this variety for over fifteen years and use it for salsa and sauces. The excellent sweet taste, however, means that it often finds its way into salads as well. The large paste-type fruit is juicy and the large plant is very productive. Indeterminate.

*SOLD OUT* Thai Pink Egg (75 days) An heirloom from Thailand, true pink, firm, oval salad-size fruits with terrific flavour and abundant production. Does well in hot humid weather. Great for snacking and salads. Indeterminate.

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